FUE Hair Transplant


Throughout history; hair has been the symbol of health, vitality, strength, and attractiveness. For this reason, hair loss in both men and women can create significant psychological problems. Alopecia is the general name of hair loss and it is the most common type. The treatable form of alopecia is called androgenetic alopecia.

FUE Hair Transplant
FUE hair transplant method is the most advanced technique among hair transplant methods recently. This method is based on processing the appropriate hair follicles from the nape area to the hair follicle. In addition, when the hair follicles taken from the nape are removed, no incision is made. Hair follicles are removed under favorable conditions with the help of micromotors.

The fue hair transplant method has more comfort than other transplantation methods. Especially after hair transplantation, the absence of any incision marks in the transplantation area is seen as great comfort for the patients. In addition, redness or pain seen in other methods is very rare in the fue hair transplant method.

Before the hair transplant, the direction of hair growth and the donor area is determined correctly. Hair follicles are taken from the nape area with the help of very small micromotors with an incision tip of 0.6 mm-0.8 mm. The hair follicles taken are planted in the hair structure according to the direction of the roots. Thus, the planting process is completed in a very short time. The most important point during purchase and planting; is not to damage any hair tissue through the opened channels.

After Fue hair transplant, our patients are discharged if our specialists deem it appropriate. Our specialists perform all necessary examinations both during and after hair transplant. In particular, great sensitivity is shown about what the patient should pay attention to.

The most attention should be paid to getting the most out of hair transplants and not experiencing hair loss. Especially the first 48 hours after the procedure is very important. For this reason, if possible, it is not deemed appropriate to carry out the first washing of the hair or any intervention for 48 hours. If an intervention is needed, expert support should be obtained.

The biggest misconception about hair transplant is that hair transplant is a suitable method only for men. Our company and our experts serve not only men but also women in this regard. 

Sparseness or loss of hair is not only experienced in men. Hair loss is also experienced in women due to hormones, diseases, or genetic conditions. One of the right interventions in these cases is the fue hair transplant technique. This method is easily applied to men and women without any gender discrimination.

Phases of Hair Transplant Operation Process;
1. Consultation
Consultation is the most important key to success in hair transplantation. It will inform both the doctor and the patient about the planning of the procedure and how successful the operation will be. Important points to be considered in consultation;
– Patient’s expectation and the method to be chosen, 
– The density of hair that will occur after the procedure is determined by the open area and donor density,
– The appearance of the hairline in the near and far future,
– With the donor hair structure, the hair volume in the area to be closed after the procedure,
– Possible risks and side effects that may occur during the procedure

2. Anesthesia
Hair transplantation is done by using only local anesthesia alone. It can also be used together with sedatives. In local anesthesia generally, lidocaine, prilocaine, and bupivacaine are among the preferred chemicals. Usually, adrenaline forms are used.
It is the only painful part of the hair transplant operation process. You may feel 5-10 minutes of pain at the beginning of the operation process.

3. Extraction of the follicles
Hair follicles are collected individually with the FUE micromotor. The follicles mustn’t be damaged in the extraction process. The extraction should be taken superficially, including hair follicles and adipose tissue (nerve and vascular damage should be avoided). Each of these follicles, called grafts, contains from 1 to 4 hairs. The obtained grafts are kept in special solutions before the implantation process.

4. Opening of the channels
Despite the use of different incision tools and techniques, the basic logic in the opening channels process is to open channels equal to the depth and width of the obtained roots. The angle of the channel should be well adjusted to achieve the most natural appearance.
The opening channel determines the density of the result and the direction of the hair that will grow. For this reason, it must be done by an experienced doctor and should not be rushed.

5. Placement of grafts
It is one of the critical stages of the hair transplant process that requires experience and patience. Usually, graft placement is performed by 2 or 3 assistants. Experienced technicians can transfer 800-900 grafts per hour.


Frequently Asked Questions and Post-Operation Process

How many hours does a hair transplantation operation take?

The operation takes an average of 6-8 hours. 

Is it a comfortable process during the operation process?
Yes, it’s a comfortable process. With the effect of local anesthesia or sedation anesthesia given to our patients, our patients can perform a comfortable operation process. The feeling of pain is minimal in the hair transplantation process.

How many days are needed for a hair transplant operation?
A minimum of 3 days is required for a successful hair transplant operation. In this 3-day process;

1st day (Welcoming)
You are welcomed at your arrival airport with our VIP vehicles and taken to your hotel to rest.

2nd day (Operation)
Your hair transplant operation and PRP treatment are performed in our hospital.

3rd day (Last Check&First Wash)
Before sending you off to your country, last checks are made and your first wash(a special lotion is applied to the transplanted areas waiting for 20 minutes and then washed with professional care) is done by our medical staff and you are taught how to do your first wash and 10th-day wash. 

10th day
On the 10th day after the hair transplantation surgery, you should clean the whole scabs on the head while you are doing the washing so that the newly implanted hair can grow successfully.

The final result appears between 6 and 18 months.


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